How to love exercising and reaping the benefits
It can be a real struggle to get into regular exercise habits, particularly in the winter months. This winter with pandemic restrictions on top, many people have admitting they aren’t leaving the house during their working week. Some patients have reported taking just 200-300 steps a day, when the recommended daily step count is 10,000. For those who have got into exercise many have started running or online classes which have helped them remain accountable.
But for others sadly leaving the house became a rare event, saying things like:
It’s dark when I finish work
I don’t like running, what else is there?
Gyms are shut and I don’t have space for equipment at home
I don’t have time, I just end up working later and want to wind down in the evenings
I’ve never been active
Some people really struggle with exercise for a variety of reasons, even dating back to school years. If someone tells you, you aren’t sporty, it can be easy to avoid activity altogether. But you don’t need to be the fastest, or most competitive person in your class, to enjoy, and benefit from exercise. Many things we get told in our younger years stay with us, in this case having negative effects on health. We want to quash these beliefs and get you moving more.
‘It’s never too late to start exercising’
From Pilates, to running, weightlifting, bird watching, dancing….. All these activities will promote better all-round health.
However, you still need to take care and listen to your body. Ensuring your form (movement patterns), are correct is vital to safe and beneficial exercise. Injury is not only caused by a sudden known cause, but also by repetitive poor movements during any activity.
It’s important to maintain good posture to preventing injury, while stretching and strengthening areas according to their needs. For instance, if your left hamstring gets tight that’s going to require more attention than your quad. Focused stretching to this area may be enough if caught early enough. If not we recommend you consult a healthcare professional (such as a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist or Osteopath) to establish the cause of your imbalance, and prevent it progressing to a more sinister injury.
Here’s a simple overview of achieving a better balance in your body:
If it weakens – build it.
If it tightens – stretch it.
Do that and you’ll stand better, move better, look better and feel better. For stretches, exercises and tips why not visit our YouTube channel.
Just remember any movement is beneficial, even getting up from your desk regularly or going on a lunch time walk can help break your daily habits. With many people working from home, it’s becoming even more important to take time to step away from your desk. Frequently we are finding many home workers don’t do any exercise during there working week! Is that you?
In addition to regular movement it’s worth spending some time correcting your desk setup. We’ve discussed this in previous blogs, but just in case you missed them her is our desk setup blog and Youtube video, if you haven’t check out these links we recommend you do so:
With increased working from home people seem to be moving less than before. The human body was designed to move so we recommend taking regular breaks and time to exercise.
We have some great tips on our social media channels and blog to help you with some health lockdown habits. If you would more specific help do contact us via email or phone. Contact us now:
Phone 01392 984959