Valentines Wellness tips – Why you should be selfish

The most important person to look after is YOU! – If you aren’t well, you can’t help anyone else.


‘But I don’t have time to do my exercise regularly’ 

‘I don’t have time to eat healthy’ 

The harsh truth is, if you don’t prioritise better lifestyle choices you are likely to experience negative consequences. If we list our daily routines there is most likely something we can tweek to become more efficient. It’s not easy with work commitments, family, the weather etc, but there will always be an excuse.

‘Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now!’ 

Tim Ferriss

Your health deserves to be a priority, you only have one body.

Whether you spend this Valentines with yourself, friends or a partner. Here are 5 ways to show your body some love this Valentine’s Day.

  • <h2><b><span data-contrast=”auto”>1. Digital Detox</span></b></h2>
    <span data-contrast=”auto”>Are you guilty of spending too much time on your phone?</span><span data-ccp-props=”{“> </span>

    <span data-contrast=”auto”>Put your phone (and other digital devices) out of sight! This will help reduce stress which may be triggered by constant connectivity and allow you time to focus on those around you.</span>

  • <h2><b><span data-contrast=”auto”>2. Self care</span></b></h2>
    <span data-contrast=”auto”>You may feel this is selfish, but it’s so important you are well to be able to care for your family, friends and perform at work. Imagine how rotten you feel when you get sick or experience physical pain from injury.</span><span data-ccp-props=”{“> </span>

    <span data-contrast=”auto”>Can you see a <strong><a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Chiropractor</a></strong>, Physiotherapist, Counselor, Doctor etc to help resolve something that’s troubling you?</span>

  • 3. Exercise 

    They say those who work out together, stay together, why not get your partner working out too. Perhaps it’s linked to all those happy hormones (endorphins) keeping the mood high. Don’t forget some ‘cheat days’ too, these can be just as mood-boosting and make regular workouts more sustainable. Studies show that increased levels of physical activity are connected to higher levels of happiness.

  • 4. Mindfulness

    Several studies have found that people who practice mindfulness meditation experience greater well-being. Pay yourself a little more attention, focus on your feelings and practice mindfulness this valentines day whether you are in a relationship or not.

  • 5. Healthy Valentines treat

    At this time of year the shops are packed full of overpriced tempting sweet treats. Don’t fall for these marketing ploys! Why not go the extra mile and make your loved one some healthy treats. There are some great ways to add sweetness without processed sugars eg

    • Cinnamon – Has been shown to reduce sugar cravings 
    • Honey – Added health benefit include:
      • Anti-bacterial properties
      • Antioxidant rich

    I found this website had some great ideas to get your creativity flowing such as:

    • Homemade Chocolate
    • Almond Date Truffles

What better thing to focus on this Valentines than yourself. We can help you with a valentines treat to get your body back on track. At KH Chiropractic Cranbrook we commonly treat back pain, neck pain, joint pain, sciatica, sports injuries, pregnancy related pain and so much more.

If you are ready to book yourself a Valentines treatment to start your journey of recovery, book online now or call us on 01392 984959.