What did KH Chiropractic do to try to fight Corona?
The City of London turned into a ghost town quickly over the last 2 weeks. Our patient base dropped to 5% of normal last week, quite understandably. This was great for us to increase our sanitation levels, with large gaps between patients.

What did KH Chiropractic do last week to minimise the Corona virus spread?
Travelled by bike only
Did not shake hands
Sanitised all door handles and surface patients touched after every patient
Removed all fabrics such as towels and cushions
Sanitised the entire bench (as always in practice)
Asked anyone with symptoms to cancel their appointment
Did not treat an pregnant, elderly or vulnerable patients
What are we doing this week
Remaining at home unless absolutely necessary
Social distancing at all times possible
We will be travelling by bike while maintaining social distancing if any essential travel is necessary
Offering care to acute patients, those in severe pain only
Offering care to key workers such as NHS staff, Emergency services etc
Having said the above, we are expecting an announcement from Boris Johnson and expect not to be seeing any patients over the coming weeks. However, if you are suffering with pain and in need of help, please do contact us. We would be happy to carry out an over the phone or Zoom consultation to assess your needs. We are here to guide you on your pain or restricted movement through these difficult times.
Please keep an eye out for further blogs on what we can do to help you.
If you need help please email Chiropractor Karen Habershon with your phone number to arrange your phone, Skype or Zoom Chiropractic consultation. We are here for you and happy to help.