My kids are killing my back – Struggling with back pain?

Your working weeks activity can be dramatically different to your weekends, especially if you are struggling with back pain and juggling children. Parents naturally put their children first, rather than taking care of themselves. This can lead to disaster if the discomfort escalates.

8+ hours a day Monday to Friday at your desk, with weekends packed full of child related activity can be a challenging balancing act.

  • Chasing them through soft play (you thought you were flexible!)
  • Sweeping lego off the floor (while wincing in pain)
  • Leaning over the bath (then struggling to straighten back up)
  • Changing nappies multiple times a day

Is there any wonder both men and women suffer with back pain. Bodies need time to gently adapt to changes in activity levels, just as you would if you were training for a marathon. It’s important to find time for your body. If your physical health is suffering how can you take care of your family?

The easiest and most sensible action to take is preventative. Here are some top tips if you are struggling with back pain.

  • Lifting and bending

    As with lifting anything adopting a good squatting technique to protect your body and avoid injury is key. Movement such as using a ‘hip hinge’, bending your knees and using your gluts to drive yourself upwards, not forwards. Click here to learn more about how to squatting well.

  • Low level play

    Sitting on the floor with your children keep your back straight, or kneel with a straight back. You may find it useful to sit against the sofa if you are struggling with back pain.

  • Carrying your baby

    Where possible carry your baby facing out in the middle of your body (correctly fastened baby carriers can be useful for prolonged carrying). Straps need to be adjusted to meet ergonomic needs.

    Be careful if your baby is too young to support their own head and neck. They will need to be positioned in a way to support their head while allowing safe breathing during the early months, which is likely to mean facing in. In Exeter we have ‘The Baby Room‘ which is a fantastic facility for help and support relating to your baby. They also have a ‘sling library‘ with various slings to try out in store, rent or buy. I highly recommend this as slings aren’t cheap, and when you’ve had them on for a few minutes, or your walking about you may find another sling is more comfortable.

  • Baby carrier

    Keep your baby carrier above your hips.
    Your baby’s hips also need attention. It is recommended they are in the ‘frog leg’ position, this helps encourage the correct hip development and reduces the chance of hip development issues.

    Thighs should be supported to the knee joint.
    Spreading the legs minimises the forces on the hip joint and stabilises the hip position. Visiting Exeter’s ‘sling library‘ at ‘The Baby Rooms’ is a great way to try out or rent carriers before you buy.

  • Pushing your pram

    Adjust pram handles to the level of your belly button, pushing with relaxed shoulders and slightly bent elbows. Drawing your belly button in towards the spine helps engage your core (you should still be able to talk).

  • Breastfeeding

    Use pillows to support the baby when breastfeeding. Set up a ‘breastfeeding station’ at home so cushions are in the right place when you need them.

  • Car seats

    There are some great car seats designed not only to position your baby better and safer but also to help you out. The swivel action of the lie flat car seat in this blog allows you to avoid twisting.

  • When your children are walking

    Encourage them to walk to you and climb onto your lap rather than lifting, twisting and bending while carrying them. When getting them into the car again encourage them to help you when possible.

Surviving the weekend while struggling with back pain can be challenging. Delaying attending to your aches and pains can prolong suffering and elongate healing time. At KH Chiropractic we treat many parents with busy lifestyles mixing up hours working at a desk and doubling up as a child’s climbing frame at weekends!

If you think it’s time to have some back pain treatment book online now or call us on 01392 984959.