Athlete’s Sports Injury treatment – Amateur v’s Elite Athletes

It’s a professional athlete’s job to focus purely on their sporting performance. They have access to:-

  • Regular treatment – To address problematic areas via sports injury treatment and also with a preventative aim

  • <p>Strength and conditioning – Working on weakness to prevent injury</p>
  • Nutrition – Providing their bodies with the building blocks to repair quickly and efficiently

  • Adequate sleep – Studies have shown that good sleep is essential for optimal health and healing

  • Body aware – Noticing subtle changes in their gait / alignment and addressing them promptly

In comparison the amateur athlete has all these added stresses on their body:-

  • Work stress

  • A quick hours blast in the gym which one week may be regular, the next non-existent

  • Often a non-existent stretching and strengthening regime

  • 8-12+ hours sitting at a desk or multiple hours lifting awkward items in more manual jobs

  • Amateurs usually wait until they are in severe pain before consulting a healthcare professional

If you could benefit from a sports injury treatment why not book in to see our Exeter Chiropractor.

Call us today 01392 984959 or email

*Free 15 minute chat available on request