What’s modern day life doing to our necks?
Modern day life is putting a strain on our necks due to prolonged sitting, driving and use of mobile phones. It is not surprising so many people suffer from neck pain and other negative effects on their bodies.
It is not only in the office people can suffer neck pain. Poor posture can also occur with more manual jobs, which may involve bending, lifting or driving. Reduced movement in the joints of the neck may interfere with signals from the nerves. This can create neck pain, and referred pain, such as headaches or arm pain, tingling and or numbness.
You may notice that your posture appears forward drawn, rounded at the shoulder and your head stretches out in front of you. This can be particularly noticeable within the office setting as your eyes and body get tired.
Good posture is an important part of maintaining a healthy body, which promotes good nerve function without structural obstructions. Why not check your head and neck are in a good position now:-
Ears should be in line with your shoulders
Shoulders should be relaxed
Chin should be tucked
In addition to good nerve function this position takes the pressure off the muscles at the back of your skull which if over stressed can cause headaches.
Due to the complicated nature of our body in displaying pain and dysfunction it is important to undergo a thorough history taking and examination which will enable your chiropractor to explain your diagnosis and the best treatment plan.
If you experience neck pain it’s always worth consulting a healthcare professional as soon as you can. There may be something you are doing which is contributing to your injury. Usually newer injuries respond much quicker than older ones. To find out more about neck pain please call KH Chiropractic to book your chiropractic consultation in Cranbrook / Rockbeare
Call 01392 984959 or email info@khchiropractic.com.