Getting Back pain running?
You may not think your lower back has much to do with your running, but it plays a pivotal part in the kinetic chain that powers your running mechanics.
Many people think when they hear the words ‘core muscles’:
‘I must train my abs’
Actually, these are just some of the core muscles needed to get you through a good run, offering protection round your spine, and efficiently transferring energy to propel you forwards. The aim of any runner should be to minimise lost energy, as this can be used to hit your new PR (Personal Record).
So what really are ‘Core muscles’?
These are muscles which wrap around your mid-section supporting your spine and lower back. Your core should create one big stability machine with your:-
Weakness in any of the above areas can cause stronger areas to overwork. For instance, if you glutes and hips are weak, as they fatigue your lower back is forced to overwork, to keep you upright and stable. Leaving you very vulnerable to lower back injury.
What are the common problems runners face with their lower back’s?
The body has a right to more than one injury so be aware you can present with a combination of the below:
Muscle Spasm
Muscle pain that comes on suddenly. Your muscle may feel like it has ‘locked up’ and the pain can be severe and debilitating
Shooting pain
Down one or both legs, can be indicative of sciatica or discogenic pain. A trapped nerve can causes this pain, which is sharp in contrast to the muscle-gripping sensation you would feel with a muscle spasm.
Chronic general achiness across the whole area of your lower back can suggest a more degenerative complaint, such as arthritis.
Want to learn more about preventing back pain running? Click here
Prevention is always better than cure. If you are a regular runner, sports man or woman why not invest in your body?
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